Anorexia Emails

erin fiorini
1 min readOct 18, 2022


Dec. 13, 2021 — NY Pres, White Plains

hello! i’m here at nyp eating disorder hospital and things are going well and it’s all going quickly. i’m gaining weight, emotionally i feel better, i’m less anxious. at the same time weight gain is physically and emotionally uncomfortable. my stomach just feels like a gassy bowling ball.

we’re already talking today about my next steps, which may include it’s no guaranteed i get in, but it could be a good residential support program where i’d also have to take part in studies on eating behaviors. ha! look at what having anorexia can get you.

the staff here is great and i have a dietitian, psychologist, social worker and we have group therapies and discussions. we meet together every day. met with hospital chaplain today…. he’s a Quaker! and this is great for me cuz i’ve participated in some Quaker meetings and feel comfortable in that religious ambiance.

i get an ipad privilege in the afternoon now since last thursday for ‘good behavior’, meaning being a clean plater. the other women are really nice, but one gal just got covid-19 so we are all now in lockdown, but safe. we got tested and are waiting for results. i was tested friday anyway and it was negative.

im writing on an ipad so it’s a little cumbersome. sometimes getting access to my gmail is hard, but feel free to write me here and i’ll get back to you when i can. love you all

